Gifted Education Program

The Gifted Education Program is designed to meet the special needs of students in Grades 4-12 who have been formally identified as gifted. (Under Kentucky regulations, students cannot be identified as โ€œgiftedโ€ until they reach Grade 4. Primary students with โ€œhigh potentialโ€ are served through the Primary Talent Pool.

Identification of Students

Students may be identified as gifted in one or more of these categories:

  • General intellectual ability

  • Specific academic aptitude in reading, math, science, or social studies

  • Creative and divergent thinking

  • Leadership

  • Visual and performing arts

Identification is based on at least three pieces of documentation which may include:

  • Formal test results

  • Teacher checklists

  • Work samples

  • Observations

  • Portfolios and auditions

 The district engages in on-going screening to identify gifted students. This screening includes a review of all standardized achievement test data, administration of the Raven Matrices (a test of intellectual ability) to all Fourth Graders and to new students at higher grade levels, and administration of other informal screening tools and surveys.

The Gifted Education Placement Committee reviews screening data and determines whether a student meets the criteria for services. This committee is composed of gifted, special, and regular education teachers, guidance counselors, the principals, and the gifted education coordinator.

As our screening, while thorough, might miss someone, parents may nominate their children for consideration for placement.  Students also may nominate themselves.  To nominate a student, complete the nomination form available on the Supervisor of Instruction page and give it to the appropriate guidance counselor or just call the counselor.

Parents who disagree with the finding of the District Gifted Education Placement Committee may appeal for reconsideration by submitting a written request to the Gifted Education Coordinator. In the case of General Intellectual Ability and Specific Academic Aptitude, an additional standardized test will be administered as part of the documentation.

Parent permission for placement is required. Parents may withdraw permission at any time but must do so in writing.

Gifted Education Services

Each school develops a Gifted Services Plan (GSP) for each student placed in the program. The guidance counselor is in charge of the development of this plan. Parents receive a GSP progress report each nine weeks when report cards are issued.

Despite limited resources, the district makes every effort to offer a range of service delivery options for gifted students. These include such things as:

  • Acceleration by grade

  • Acceleration by subject

  • Differentiated study experiences in the regular classroom

  • Enrichment services during the school day

  • Resource services delivered in the regular classroom or in a pull-out classroom

  • Advanced Placement courses

  • Seminars

  • Independent study

  • Collaborative teaching and consultation services

  • Special counseling services

  • Distance learning

  • Academic competitions

  • Mentorships

In determining the services a child receives, the placement committee, counselor, and teachers work together to match the childโ€™s needs to appropriate services. Parents may appeal appropriateness of services by filing a written request with the Gifted Education Coordinator.   District procedures for the Gifted Program including grievance procedures may be found on-line at   in Chapter 8.

For more information about the Gifted Education Program, contact any of the school counselors or  Jennifer Parsons, Director of District Wide Services of Instruction and Assessment.